HELLO EVERY ONE I JUST WANT TO SHARE THIS ARTICLE THAT I TOOK FROM ONE NEWS PAPER way back 2009 November 19 By Preciosa S. Soliven title A POINT OF AWARENESS.  It’s a good article and we can learn a lot from this.


           Catherine Ponder of California, USA is a well-known lecturer on the incredible healing secrets invoked by the great minds down through the ages.  These well-guarded teachings have passed on through a select few until 1965 when she began to write books – a total of ten by 1985, including The Healing Secrets of the Ages.

           After a lecture in the Civic Auditorium in Pasadena, California, one of her readers told her his amazing healing story:  “I am supposed to be dead, but through changing my thinking, I am healed.” Previously, he had been confined to his bed with what had been diagnosed as an incurable lung disease.  His lungs had expanded and became spongy, and there was little hope of his recovery.

           Mrs. Ponder checked with a doctor, who shook his head, “If a patient came to me in that condition, I would try to make him as comfortable as possible and would advise those caring for him to do the same, but that’s about all I could do, since no cure has been found for that type of disease.”   

           The enormous cost of health care Mrs. Ponder reflects that several decades ago, when she wrote this book, it already cost $50 million to build a medical school and another five million a year to run it.

           How much money and emotional stress and physical pain could be saved if people knew of the incredible healing power located right within them which they can deliberately activate and benefit from, and which is of vast assistance to the family doctor as he treats them.

           Unfortunately, most folks take better care of their cars than of their health or their state of mind, which so strongly influence their health!  This places an undue burden upon the family doctor in trying to heal them.

           The well-guarded healing secrets of the ages the power of man’s glands and the state of man’s health depend upon the state of his glands.  This is true; because the nerve-gland areas in the body are also centers of vital mind powers.  These vital mind powers located right within the glands have been unconsciously functioning all the time, often to the detriment of man’s health because of his ignorance of their presence within him.  How man uses these mind powers located in the gland nerve areas vitally affects his health constructively or destructively.

           Mrs. Ponder first learned of these secret teachings when she took up the study of practical Christianity and heard these mind powers described as “the 12 powers of man.”  Their mystical significance is linked with Jesus and His 12 disciples in the New Testament, and with the 12 tribes of Israel in the Old Testament.

           How misuse of the inner mind power affects health for instance, a person who is “down in his back”, often because of financial problems, is usually first down in his thinking as he misuse his “mind power of Strength” located in the loins at the small of the back.  Meantime, critical people are incline to misuse their “mind power of Judgment” located at the pit of the stomach resulting in indigestion, ulcers, and even possibly cancer of the stomach.

           On the other hand, hurts in the love nature, expressed as disappointment, bitterness, resentment, possessiveness, and unforgiveness cause trouble in the lungs, breast, chest and heart area – the center of the mind power of Love in the body.  However, problem in the organs of elimination in the body results because certain negative emotions have not been eliminated from the “mind power of Elimination” located in the intestines, kidneys and other organs of elimination in the abdomen.

           Disease always has a mental correspondent with one of the 12 mind powers located in the body.  This knowledge removes the mystery from the disease and leads us to the enlightened road to permanent healing.

           How the healing of tuberculosis came to Myrtle Fillmore.  Myrtle Fillmore, mother of three boys, in the year 1886 learned that she had tuberculosis, which was then considered an incurable disease, and was given just six months to live.  Desperately willing to consider any constructive technique that might restore health, her husband, Charles, a Kansas City realtor, took her to attend a metaphysical lecture.

           Mrs. Fillmore narrates: “I was fearfully sick; I had all the ills of mind and body that I could bear.  Medicine and doctors had ceased to give me relief, and I was in despair when I found practical Christianity.

           “Life is simply a form of energy, and has to be guided and directed in man’s body by his intelligence.  Then it flashed upon me that I might talk to the life in every part of my body and have it do just what I wanted.  I began to teach my body and got marvelous results.

           “I told the life in my liver that I was not torpid or inert, but full of vigor and energy.  I told the life in my stomach, that it was not weak or inefficient, but energetic, strong, and intelligent. I told the life in my abdomen that it was no longer infested with ignorant thoughts of disease… but that it was filled with the sweet, pure, wholesome energy of God.  I told my limbs that they were active and strong.

           “I went to all the life centers in my body and spoke words of Truth to them – words of strength and power.  I asked their forgives for the foolish, ignorant course that I had pursued in the past when I had condemned them and called them weak, inefficient, and diseased.  I did not become discouraged at their being slow to wake up, but kept right on, both silently and aloud, declaring words of Truth, until the organs responded.”

           Immediately, her health improved.  Within two years, Myrtle Fillmore was completely well again, and she lived another 40, happy active years.

           The healing secrets of the ages within a person are 12 mind powers (please refer to the diagram), located within the following vital nerve and gland centers in the body:  Thus, the mind power of FAITH is located in the center brain at the pineal gland; STRENGTH is between the adrenal glands and the loins at the small of the back; JUDGMENT is at the pit of the stomach in the solar plexus near the pancreas gland; and LOVE is in the heart-chest area near the thymus gland.

           The mind faculties of POWER is at the root of the tongue near the thyroid gland; IMAGINATION is between the eyes, near the pituitary gland; UNDERSTANDING is in the forehead, just above the eyes; and WILL is in the forehead in the center of the front brain.  The mind powers of ORDER is at a large nerve center just behind the naval in the abdominal region; ZEAL is at the base of the brain in the back of the neck at the medulla; ELIMINATION is in the organs of elimination in the lower back; and LIFE is in the generative organs.

           Along with these 12 mind powers, there is also the I AM or Christ Mind, which is located at the apex of the brain in the crown of the head.  It releases a super intelligence into all 12 mind powers when activated.

           Knowing where these 12 mind powers are located, it is easy to see how misuse of them could cause definite physical ailments in various areas of the body.  Meanwhile, deliberate, constructive use of them could increase one’s health and vitality in the different areas, as well as throughout the body.

           Calling forth the life force within.  Man is only partially alive because he does not understand that he can call forth the life force within him.  To activate the mighty life force within you, pray in your quiet times of relaxation and rest, start at the top of the head and mentally go down through the various parts of the body, saying:


           As you pray, you will feel a certain current of excitement, enthusiasm, and a warm electrical energy come alive within you in various parts of the body.  So forget about growing old and begin to really live.


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